Dec 16, 2016


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Currently, I am:

happy to say that I placed a couple books from my list on hold at my library.  Ghost World and Notes From a Blue Bike should be ready for me later this week.  Not surprisingly, I also added a third book - After I Do - to my holds list that is not on my reading list.  What can I say, I'm not good at feeling constrained.

using my Instant Pot.  We ordered one via Amazon on Black Friday and then it sat on the shelf for a couple weeks because figuring out how to use it felt somehow overwhelming.  But, earlier this week I took the time to read through some of the "how to" instructions.  On Tuesday, I made French Dip and I'm planning to use it to make chili later today.

wondering if we will catch a break from sickness anytime soon.  November included colds for all three kids followed by a pneumonia diagnosis for Eli and double ear infection for Maggie.  Then, E took a turn with the ear infection.  Sam and I each went through 24 hour flu bouts last week.  Eli's started this Monday and he has been better and worse off and on since then.  Geesh.  I'm ready to move on and have some healthy weeks.

thankful (yet again) for The Read Aloud Handbook and Honey For A Child's Heart.  These two books are my go-to sources for finding new-to-us books to introduce to the kids.

amazed at Maggie's recent changes.  In just the last week, she has started rolling all over the place, signing "more" and "all done," and drinking from a straw.  The changes that occur between birth and one year are just plain crazy.

wishing I didn't have to work this weekend.  I often look forward to my work weekends as a bit of respite from child care.  But this weekend, I wish I could just not go.

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