Feb 26, 2016


A few good and share-worthy things I've found around the internet:

If you need an inexpensive, quick and personalized way to fill a wall, I recommend doing a rotating family photo wall.  I redo ours each year and have fun including captions - a la "Stinker" Eli above.

A beautifully written essay on language.

Things you don't know before becoming a parent: small stuff, big stuff.  These articles made me nod my head, laugh and tear up a bit.  The part about the first couple years NOT going by quickly felt particularly true.  Have I really been a mama for only four years?  It pretty much feels like forever.

20 ways to relax when you only have 20 minutes (via Yes and Yes).

Dear Moms, Get in the photo.

Have you met Alexa (also known as the Amazon Echo)?  We purchased one (her?) about a month ago and it (she?) has been a great addition to our family life.

Reward yourself with things that move you closer to your goals.  (I need to do this more often.)

A lovely collection of journals.

Need cheap and easy entertainment for toddlers / preschoolers?  These do the trick for us and have become a staple gift for the boys for every possible gift giving occasion.

It's been a good week around here.  It feels like we have a pretty good rhythm to our days, just now - not too quiet and not too busy either.  Sam's birthday was last weekend and Eli's is next weekend.  Parties are fun, but a weekend of down time in between the celebrations is okay with this mama. 

Cheers to the weekend!  I hope yours is wonderful.

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