Apr 7, 2016



My One Little Word for 2016 is SIMPLIFY.  

This is my fourth year doing the One Little Word project and my third year following along with Ali Edwards' workshop of the same name.  

Amazingly, the first quarter of 2016 is already done and gone.  Three months in, my word is hanging tight with me this year.  We are like best buddies making progress toward a better and more focused life together.  

I chose the word simplify out of a desire to focus on and devote attention to the things that were most important to me while letting go of everything else.  I spent some serious time thinking about the core elements of my life - the things that make me happiest and that give me the most peace and have been working hard to keep them front and center.  

My intentions are as follows:

Spirtiual  Daily devotions with the intention of completing four or more devotional books by the end of the year.  And, daily prayer time with Brian.

Financial  Brian and I came up with three financial goals for the year.  Two are not so fun - but necessary - and one is just for fun.  

House and Home  KonMari-ing our entire household with the goal of having this completed before Baby Three arrives in May.  Also, implementing a few ideas to help streamline and simplify my day to day household routines and chores.  

Self  Walking, walking, walking - and  using my FitBit to track my progress.  Completing weekly Project Life layouts.  Buying clothing that truly "sparks joy" once I get back to a more normal size.  (I have to say that I am really looking forward to the end of this yo-yo cycle with my body changing all the time through three pregnancies in the last five years.)

Family  Hoping to simply enjoy this new baby to be.  Working to accomplish what needs to be done during the days so we can have more relaxed and focused family time together in the evenings and weekends.  Reading more with the boys.  

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Considering my word of choice, the list above looks a little long and overwhelming.  But, it hasn't felt that way in day to day practice.

I get up early in the morning and have morning devotions, 1500-2000 steps, plus a big chunk of my household chores (laundry and dishes) done before 7am.  

The KonMari project is coming to an end and with every load of unnecessary stuff that I take out of the house, I feel a sense of relief.  I have also quickly learned how much easier it is to keep house when there are fewer possessions scattered about and it makes me want to purge more and more.  

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It feels sort of wrong, or strange anyway, to say this, but I feel like I am winning on all of these fronts.  I have been very focused on my intentions and striving, daily, to take little steps in the right direction.  Every step feels like it is building on the next and adding to my motivation to just keep at it.

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My birthday is later this month.  As I was thinking of what gifts I might like to ask for, I realized that they all went back to my intentions.  I would love this devotional journal, this FitBit with this band, and a 2016-2017 Get To Work Book planner.  Having my wishlist reflect my word so well has never happened before.

This year, my word just feels right.  It feels like I've found my sweet spot.  While I feel like all of my words have made impacts on my life, SIMPLIFY is blowing them out of the water.  

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