Right now, I am:
- appreciating my clean(ish) house and thankful to know that I am not alone in my desire for a clean house.
- sticking with my goals, but appreciative of Leo's goal-less perspective.
- enjoying the way that Cocoppa makes my phone look pretty.
- ready to admit that Cocoppa isn't particularly user-friendly/functional. (But, pretty is important, right?)
- reading 1984
and The Middle Place
and enjoying each of them, in different ways.
- anxious for a lot of sister time, this week.
- elated to now share my birthday with both my sister and a brand new little niece.
- wishing I could purchase a robot that would make and pack Brian's lunch for him each school night.
- appreciative of my friend Megan who recently asked me if I had ever thought about the way that giraffes sleep. (I had not, but it was fun to think about, discuss and investigate.)
- inspired by this and this.
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