Nov 27, 2013


Christmas 2
Originally inspired by The Frugal Girl, this is my third year writing a thankful list. 
50 Things I am thankful for:
Brian.  I am so thankful that I get to spend my days and years with this guy by my side.
Sam.  I am thankful for this sweet little bundle of energy and for the opportunity to be his mama.
Baby 2.  I love having him with me 24/7 right now.  I love feeling his wiggles and kicks.  And, I can’t wait to meet him.   
Health.  Every time I am sick, I am re-reminded of the blessings of health. 
Family.  We are beyond blessed with the most wonderful people to call our family.  They are fun, kind, generous and so incredibly loving. 
Friends.   Ditto to the family comments.  Seriously, I have the best friends. 
My beliefs and the hope, trust and comfort they instill. 
Our home.  Building a house was on my “someday I will do it” list and we did it.  I love our house and the home that it is for our family.
Project Life.  I am thankful for this creative outlet that has a practical purpose.
10 My optimistic personality.  I am well aware that this isn’t something that everyone is blessed with.  I am thankful for it.
11 Living within a budget.  Life feels awesome when we live inside of a written financial plan.  A budget that is on paper and on purpose, fits me like a glove.
12 My cameras.  Capturing the moments and the beauty of things both big and small makes me happy.
13 Mabel.  Our sweet Mabel.  She is good for loving on and a wonderful motivator for taking walks.  Also, I am thankful for her relationship with Sam.
14 Our growing family.  I love and am continually amazed at the difference just a few years can make.  Five years ago, it was just Mabel and I hanging together.  Now we have a whole crew to call our family.
Books to read 450
15 Books.  I can happily spend hours snuggled on the couch with a good book.
16 Our church.  I am thankful for our church home and our church family.  I am thankful that we can give the gift of a church community to our boys.
17 Anticipation.  I almost always gather as much joy in the planning and anticipation of future events as I do in the events themselves.  I am thankful for this added pleasure.
18 Blogs to read.  I am thankful for blog “friends” and for the insights that I gain as I read what others have to share.
19 Goals and projects.  These are the things that give shape to my days. 
20 Project 333.  I am so thankful that I tried this project and learned how much I appreciate a small, but well-curated wardrobe.
21 Color.  I am thankful for all of the beautiful colors that make up our world.
22 Grace and Light.  I love having this place to share my heart, my dreams, my plans and projects.
23 Eyeglasses.  I am thankful for the ability to see without having to put things on my eyes.  (Contacts = my worst nightmare.)
24 Travel.  Time away from home is nice every now and then.
25 FaceTime.  I love that Sam gets to “see” his grandparents and Auntie that live too far away.  I am thankful that it has helped him to have a better relationship with all of them.
26 Full days.  I don’t like days that are overly scheduled, but I do like going to bed knowing that I accomplished a lot.
Progressive date night
27 Date nights.  Time with my Brian is the best. 
28 Neighbors.  We live by good and fun people.  I appreciate that. 
29 Instagram.  I just can’t get on board with Facebook, but Instagram floats my boat.  I am thankful for the connections that it has helped me build and maintain.
30 Brian’s sister Michelle and her family.  We love them.  Sam loves them.  They help us out in millions of ways. 
31 Summer.  Oh summer.  Warmth.  Brian’s time away from school.   Walks.  Summer is good.
32 Brian’s sense of humor.  He makes me laugh every single day.  I love that.
33 The library.  Books.  For free.  Plus, Story Time.  I am thankful for the library.
34 Food.  I wanted to pick something a bit more specific, but really couldn’t narrow it down.  I am thankful for all kinds of yummy food. 
35 The end of Candy Crush.  Sam deleted it from my phone.  I didn’t have it linked to Facebook, so I was going to have to start again at level one.  I am thankful for the end of my Candy Crush addiction.  (Good kid, I have, huh?)
Sam reading
36 Sam’s love of reading.  I am thankful that he will have books to grow with and learn from for the rest of his life.
37 Cloth diapers.  We have no need to run to the store for diapers or wipes or to include them in our monthly budget.  This makes me happy. 
38 Notebooks.  I love the sense of possibility in a blank page and I love it even more when the page is full.  If the notebook is pretty, all the better.
39 Mornings.  I have always loved mornings.  I love the quiet and the fresh start.  Right now, I also love the bit of time that Brian and I have together before Sam wakes up.
40 Picnics.  One of my favorite things. 
41 Coworkers.  Our little lab world is richly blessed with wonderful people.
42 PicMonkey.  I use this website almost every day.
43 Mama-hood.  It still feels a bit surreal, sometimes, that I am someone's mama.  It is something that I longed for, for several years before it happened, and I am so grateful for the opportunity.
44 Dedicated savings accounts.  We currently have nine savings accounts.  Each has a different name/goal.  I am thankful for the peace of mind that I find in having money set aside for all of our various wants and needs.
45 Wiggles and kicks in my belly.  They are reassuring and miraculous.
46 Slow cookers.  We have two and there are many days when both are in use. 
47 Consignment sales and stores.  I get a kick out of finding clothes, toys and books for Sam without spending a lot of money.
48 Rare bits of "me" time.  It is depressing to think about going back to all "me" all the time.  But, when I get an hour here or there, I really, really appreciate it.
49 Breakfast!  Especially, breakfast with my boys. 
50 Our financial situation.  I am thankful that I will soon have the opportunity to be a stay at home mama.

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