While I still use PicMonkey for a good deal of photo editing for my Project Life pages, I continually use the various photo apps for more and more of my editing. My 2014 Project Life layouts have definitely reflected that.
The oldies but goodies (also known as my standby photo apps):
I most often use VSCO Cam's photo filters to change my photos to black and white. There are several black and white options and each of them adds its unique version of magic to my photos.
Within VSCO Cam, there are also some great basic editing tools that allow you to rotate photos by degrees and change the cropping dimensions - perfect for the 3x4 photos that I often use in my Project Life pages or for changing 3x4 iPhone photos to 4x6.
I still don't feel like I have ran PicTapGo! through its courses. While there are many(!) subtle filtering options within this app, I almost always use the "lights on" function and call it good. While I don't use this app to its full capabilities, I do use it almost every week for at least one underexposed photo.
I have used Over to add text to at least one photo in every layout of my 2014 album, thus far. I don't see that stopping any time soon. It is easy to use and includes a lot of really fun fonts.
And the newbies for this list:
Much like PicTapGo, I don't feel that I've really given the A Beautiful Mess app a full run for its money yet. I primarily use it to crop my photos into circles and sometimes to add text to my photos.
The app also includes a lot of really fun artwork and lots of bright colors that I like. While I am happy with the edited photos that I get from this app, I have not found it to be as user-friendly as many of the other photo apps that I use. I find myself having to start over at the beginning if I don't like an edited photo, rather than being able to simply back up a step or two. This can make me rather frustrated.
This app deserves an addition to the list because it allows for some pretty awesome (read: fun) photo collages. I used this app to make the photo collage on the backside of my January recap insert page and I absolutely love how that collage turned out.
To be honest, I haven't found Fuzel to be particularly user friendly. Perhaps I just need to experiment more to figure out all of the quirks. But, again, the collages are the best that I've found and the app is free. I think it is worth some time (and a bit of frustration) to play around with the different options.
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I use these apps weekly and often several times per week. If you are in the market for some new photo editing apps, I definitely recommend any and all of these!
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