Mar 17, 2014


Eli's nursery 1
We finished decorating Eli's nursery a few weeks before he arrived.  With the exception of one empty photo frame (waiting for a photograph of our family or perhaps of just Eli and Sam), things are set. 
Eli's nursery 8
I love this space.  It feels so airy and light.  It isn't too matchy-matchy.  The artwork makes me happy.  Yep, things are just plain good for our new little man. 
Eli's nursery 4
All of the furniture previously lived in Sam's room.  The robot mobile is also on it's second run.  The mustache chalkboard is a leftover from Sam's first birthday party. 
Eli's nursery 7
Both boys have a yellow Leo Little Lion print, a chalkboard mustache and a Sharon Montrose photograph.  They both have custom-made-by-grandma changing pad covers.  They both have chevron curtains.  I like that there rooms each have their own feel, but also have a lot of things in common.  (Here's a peek at Sam's nursery as it looked when we brought him home.)
Eli's nursery 5
Once Elijah came home, we discovered that the LaZBoy recliner is the only comfortable chair in our house for nursing.  So, the recliner has been moved into Brian's and my bedroom (next to the bassinet) and the corner of Eli's room is now graced with our Eames RAR.  We will do a switcharoo again once he starts to sleep in his own room. 

Resource list:
Chevron curtains: West Elm// Crib: Walmart // Dresser: thrifted by auntie and refinished by grandpa // Changing pad cover: Charley Harper fabric, sewn by grandma // Cloth diaper caddy: Target // Robot mobile: Very Cute // "Adventure Awaits" print: Just Izzy Design// Twin lions print: The Animal Print Shop by Sharon Montrose // Personalize lion print: LeoLittleLion Studio // Painting: by mama // LaZBoy recliner: hand me down from great-grandpa // Footstool: thrifted // Yellow chevron throw: TJ Maxx // Giraffe under tree print:

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