I want to be a quilter. I want to make awesome, colorful, bold, geometric, all around beautiful quilts.
I've been thinking about this for months, but I've been scared to say it out loud.
I've been scared because new things equal big unknowns. I've been scared because I've (sort of, not-really, barely) tried to sew in the past and quickly given up. I've been scared because it would require large commitments of both time and money. I've been scared because I am afraid of failing and wasting both time and money. I've been scared because when you admit something to the world, you make yourself accountable.
I've also been scared because quilting (generally) requires things like measuring and precision. I loathe measuring things and am totally the person that just eyeballs it and calls it good enough.
But then I listened to this podcast and I started to think that maybe I should just go for it. (Astrid's beautiful quilts and beautiful words didn't hurt either.) In the podcast, Elise and Astrid focused on the difficulty that is "the middle" of a project. Astrid kept saying that she really quilts for the sake of playing with color and that she learned to not-hate the rest of the process because it was all part of getting to play with the colors. I can get on board with that statement. Combining colors and seeing design ideas come to life are the very reasons I do so many things.
So, we're going to see how this goes. I want to give myself a lot of grace, but also push myself to keep at it when things don't go as easily as I think they should. I'm going to work at it in hopes of learning to love the middle - not just the planning and the end result.
I ordered some fabric (patterns shown above) and am anxious to start cutting it up and sewing it back together.
As I'm sure you've guessed, I will keep you posted on my progress.
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