Jan 26, 2015


Photo Jan 25, 10 37 45 AM
Photo Jan 25, 10 38 29 AM
Photo Jan 25, 10 38 13 AM
A few weeks after the rest of the holiday decor was stashed away, I finally replaced the "Merry Christmas" photo display on our living room wall.

Using the "A Beautiful Mess" app on my phone, I edited 18 recent family snapshots.  I cropped each image into a circle and then added a one word text overlay.  I stuck with a palette of warm colors, leaning a bit heavily toward pink, since that is my favorite. 

The frames are 5x7 clip frames (similar) with chipboard backs that "matte" the 4x6 photos.  

Photo Jan 25, 10 38 43 AM
This is actually a repeat project, as I did the exact same thing a year ago.  When I completed that first set of 18, I was very pregnant with Eli and had intentions of updating the photos a few times through the year so that I could include some baby photos in the mix.  The weeks and months passed and that never happened.
When I pulled out the holiday decorations, I took down last year's photos and replaced them with the wood and white text photos that spell out Merry Christmas.  The photos that hung on the wall through all of 2014, found new homes in our holiday album.  

Most of the photos that I used are snapshots from the past few weeks.  A few are a bit older.  The one of Sam in his Halloween costume is the oldest.  I like having these snapshots of our life on our wall and I like that they tell a more personal and more real story than professional photos would.  

Unless I should find myself so motivated later in the year, I think I will leave these up for all of 2015.  When the "Merry Christmas" photos come out late next fall, I will add these to our holiday album.  
And so, a tradition begins.  

I'm curious.  Do you hang snapshots in your home?  Or do you stick to "portrait" type photos?  We have a mixture at our house, but the snapshots definitely have the winning percentage.

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