thankful to have my custom domain switched to the new blog. the first time i set up a custom domain, it took a few hours of trial and error and it was done. this time? it was on and off for about four days and i was this close to giving up when a last ditch attempt made everything work.
confused about the mess on my previous typepad account that happened as soon as the custom domain name was moved and almost ready to delete that account. i didn't realize that switching the domains would confuse all of the coding on that site. i just have a few more things that i need to copy and / or move over to this space and the switch will be complete.
even more confused about what's going on with the boys' stomachs. for more than a week, we've been dealing with yuck (of all kinds). with the exception of two days last weekend when they acted sick, they've seemed completely normal and fine each day. but each morning they wake up with the yuck and the mess. we've been doing a lot of laundry. the doctor hasn't had a lot of suggestions, so we're just waiting it out for now.
trying to figure out a general plan for my next quilt. i'm afraid of patterns and have made it through two quilts without using one. but, i'm not ready to just cut into fabric without a plan. so, i'm stuck in the contemplation phase.
living in the "new school year high." i suppose it will wear off fairly soon, but i'm still enjoying the more structured days that go along with brian going back to school.
reading a lot of eric carle
reading a lot of tractor and truck books and watching eli thumb through their pages when no one is available to read them to him.
planning to visit an apple orchard this weekend - supposing that the kiddos are feeling up to it. we visited the same orchard a couple times last fall and had a great time, so i'm really hoping that we can go.
trying to live on a tighter-than-usual budget, this month and (with effort and will power) succeeding, thus far.
wishing you a happy weekend. i'll be back on monday.
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