It's time to look back on November goals and set a few new ones for December.
First up, an update on my 6 goals from last month:
My goal was to improve upon my numbers from October. Number of days I hit 10,000 steps and total number of steps for the month were both losses. Not terrible numbers, but less than I did in October. Amount of time exercising was also a fail. I wasn't too far off, but I didn't quite make it. I did succeed in improving the number of days I "ate well." And overall, I feel like my exercise and eating were okay - just not as good as I would have liked.
2 / Complete Christmas shopping. (I think so???)
My list looks good. Brian and I are planning a wrapping night (while we watch Christmas Vacation) for this weekend. So, that will be the true tell. Right now, everything is tucked away in our closet and I'm not 100% sure what's in there.
3 / Order Christmas cards. (Done.)
3 / Order Christmas cards. (Done.)
They arrived in the mail on Wednesday and I have about half of them addressed. I also had the forethought to buy stamps while we were visiting Brian's parents over Thanksgiving. I was pretty proud of myself for that, as getting stamps at their house consists of a two block walk while getting stamps at home always seems like a huge hassle.
4 / Post three more blog posts. (Yep.)
5 / Watch and take notes on one workshop from the Read Aloud Revival membership site. (Done.)
4 / Post three more blog posts. (Yep.)
5 / Watch and take notes on one workshop from the Read Aloud Revival membership site. (Done.)
I completed a workshop called Poetry Teatime.
6 / Finish my 2017 reading goal. (Yes!)
6 / Finish my 2017 reading goal. (Yes!)
This one makes me so happy. When I set the goal at 40 books, I imagined that I would be reading like crazy the last couple weeks of the year to get 'er done. Instead, it looks like I'll end the year between 45 and 50.
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And onto December goals:
1 / Improve my eating and exercise.
It's going to be another month of crazy schedules, so I will be happy if I can meet or beat my November numbers.
2 / Hang photos in the living room.
I recently purchased three big photo frames with the intention of hanging family photos above the couch. It's been a few weeks and I've made no progress on getting the prints ordered. Hopefully, making this goal public, will push me to accomplish this.
3 / Watch and take notes on one workshop from the Read Aloud Revival membership site by 12/15 and then cancel my membership.
There is one more workshop that I really want to watch, but I feel like the bulk of the value that comes with membership is aimed toward families with slightly older children or who are currently home schooling. I definitely plan to join again in the future, but want to cancel my current membership before my next monthly payment is due.
4 / Post two more blog posts.
5 / Finish my goal planning for 2018, so I can start the new year off on the right foot.
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