Jan 2, 2018


It's the beginning of the month again - time to look back at last month's goals and set a few new ones for January.  

An update on my December goals: 

1 / Improve my eating and exercise.  

Meh.  I didn't move backward, but didn't do great either.  We'll call it a wash.

2 / Hang photos in the living room.

Done.  And I love the result.

3 / Watch and take notes on one workshop from the Read Aloud Revival membership site by 12/15 and then cancel my membership.  

Yep.  I completed an excellent workshop titled "Focus and Align" by Sarah Mackenzie.  It was focused on helping families find and prioritize the things that are most important to them.  It was a nice mix of "big thinking" and practical ways of making the big ideas part of regular routines.  

4 / Post two more blog posts.  


5 / Finish my goal planning for 2018, so I can start the new year off  on the right foot.  


So, woot!  December goals were (almost all) a win and I'm content with where I stand.

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And onto goals for this month:

1 / Assess the sewing situation.  

I plan to complete (a minimum of) 5 sewing projects this year.  I purchased a new sewing machine in December, but have yet to even take it out of the box.  I have a stash of fabric in my basement, but at this point don't really remember what's all in there.  And, I have a few ideas of projects I want to complete, but no concrete plan for what I want to do first. 

So, my goal is to remedy these things this month.  I would love to go into February with a solid plan for a sewing project and at least a basic understanding of my new machine. 

2 / Get my Etsy shops up and running again.  

I have two Etsy shops that I have allowed to completely lapse.  While I'm not currently interested in spending my time promoting the products, the income is almost all passive and - therefore - easy.  I don't know how much time it will take to get my shops back up, but I'm guessing it will be less than two hours.  It seems silly to not just put in that time to get them back up and running. 

3 / Solid start to my collage project.  

As I shared previously, I am doing a 365 Day Project / Year of Creative Habits Project that involves creating, photographing, writing about and sharing a collage each day this year.  I am super excited about this project, but it isn't all just going to happen magically.  I would love to put in some extra legwork this month, to make the process all a bit smoother as I continue through the year. 

4 / Buy interior house paint.  

I received a nice gift card to Lowes for Christmas and the first step to getting anything in our house painted, is to buy the paint.

5 / Complete 15 days of Biblical devotions. 

This is also part of a bigger goal - completing 4 or more devotion books in 2018.

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And thus concludes my January goals.  I do have a few blog posts that I am itching to write, but with all these other goals to work on, I'm not sure if they will get written in January.  So, I decided to leave blogging off the goal list for this month. 

Cheers to you and I hope the new year is off to a great start!

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