May 6, 2018


Links to Stitch Fix are referral links.  Amazon links are affiliate.  

Trying Stitch Fix has been on my someday list for a long time.  I'm glad I finally took the plunge. I scheduled my first "Fix" to arrive on April 5th.  

After filling out the style and sizing profiles, I requested tops and specifically asked for a pair of shorts because my favorite pair ripped toward the end of last summer.  I also said that I didn't want a dress, jewelry or outerwear.  So, I knew I would get at least one top and one pair of shorts and then would be surprised for the other three items.  

I received three tops, a pair of denim shorts and a pair of TOMS flats.  Two of the tops were date night or church appropriate.  The third was a bit more casual - something that I would wear on a regular day at home.  

The morning I was to receive my clothing in the mail, I was putting on my TOMS flats (you can see them in the image above) and literally thought to myself, "I wish I had a pair of these in a nude or grey color."  These TOMS flats in taupe were the first thing I pulled out of the Stitch Fix box and I was like, "Whoa!  How did they know?"  

Besides the shoe miracle, I was also very pleasantly surprised at just how well everything fit.  The sizes are just right and they chose good shirts that don't hug my tummy, but also aren't too baggy.  (I'm guessing that they style for a lot of women with this same "problem area" and have a plethora of appropriate shirts at the ready.)

I had an aha moment when I realized how great it was to receive this box of clothing in the mail that didn't require even a minute of my time for shopping.  I mean, I realize this is the entire point of Stitch Fix, but it didn't really hit me until then.  It was fabulous. 

My one initial concern was the price.  I chose Stitch Fix's "the cheaper, the better" option but every item in the box was still out of the price range I would look at in a typical shopping trip.  I am willing to spend more for the occasional item, but the majority of my clothing is from places like Target or Old Navy.  Since I liked everything in the box, I decided to keep it all and take advantage of the 25% discount for buying everything.  My total bill, after the discount, was right at $200 - not crazy high, but a lot more than I am used to spending in one "shopping trip."  

I am finishing this post a month after receiving my Fix and would now say that the money was well spent.  I have probably worn those shoes 15 of the last 30 days.  I have worn one shirt once and the other shirts each twice.  I have already worn my shorts four or five times. 

It really didn't take me more than a minute or two to decide that I would keep everything.  I wondered if I was being impulsive, but now that I've found myself reaching for the clothes from my Fix over and over again, I am so glad that I kept them. 

My big takeaway: this was great!  My next "Fix" is scheduled for the beginning of July and I'm anxious to see if it will be as successful as this first one. 

Also, I found the episode of How I Built This about Stitch Fix fascinating and would recommend a listen. 

About the referral links: If you sign up for a Fix after following the link, you will get a "free Fix" (meaning the $20 styling fee would be waived) and I will get a $25 credit to use on a future Fix.  


  1. I've had really good experiences with StitchFix too. The cost always shocks a little, but every piece I've kept becomes a workhorse in my closet. So I think it's worth it!

  2. I'm glad to hear that. I know that I might not have this great of an experience with every box of clothes, but I'm so glad I went for it this time. :)
