Right now I am:
- anticipating the fun of watching Sam open and enjoy his Christmas gifts.
- happy with my progress on the baby-to-be's blanket. It is almost half done and I am hoping to make significant progress over the next week.
- wearing a fake diamond ring on my left ring finger. My fingers have officially swollen past wedding-ring-wearing size.
- thankful that I have not been plagued with the swelling induced carpal tunnel that marked the second half of my last pregnancy.
- reading Love Does
and Where'd You Go, Bernadette
and throroughly enjoying both.
- in debt to the library for a book that Sam tore into little pieces.
- enjoying making plans for a quiet Christmas with my boys. Driving around to look at Christmas lights is in the plans. Monkey bread, hot chocolate and chicken noodle soup also made the list.
- eating blueberries and raspberries with my yogurt.
Wishing you a very happy weekend!
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