May 12, 2014


I am the kind of mother who likes to be called mama. 
I am the kind of mother who has a lot of difficulty staying awake past 9:30pm.
I am the kind of mother who lets my kiddos get messy.
I am the kind of mother who occasionally forgets to make them wash up between getting messy and eating a snack and doesn't really worry too much about it.
I am the kind of mother who enjoys story time at the library just as much as my two year old does.
I am the kind of mother who cherishes book reading time with my boys.
I am the kind of mother who loves little family traditions / jokes / phrases.
I am the kind of mother who makes my kids sit through church services.
I am the kind of mother who has no problem giving my children the occasional "kid's meal" from a fast food restaurant.
I am the kind of mother who requires (at least a tiny bit) of alone time each day.
I am the kind of mother who encourages the eating of non-breakfast-foods for breakfast.
I am the kind of mother who is grateful for the blessing of my own mama.
I am the kind of mother who really likes to take naps.
I am the kind of mother who takes a lot of photographs.
I am the kind of mother who tickles and laughs and lets my kids jump on the furniture.
I am the kind of mother who requires that permission be granted before kids leave the dinner table.
I am the kind of mother who willingly holds sticky little hands as we say prayers.
I am the kind of mother who doesn't allow children to sleep in my bed.
I am the kind of mother who too often gets frustrated and cranky.
I am the kind of mother who lets the laundry pile up.
I am the kind of mother who is thankful for the blessings of my step-mom and mother-in-law.
I am the kind of mother who is sometimes okay with a messy house.
I am the kind of mother who is sometimes not okay with a messy house.
I am the kind of mother who sometimes waits too long to buy things.
I am the kind of mother who takes pride in my boys.
I am the kind of mother who lets Brian take care of things like vacuuming and pancake making.
I am the kind of mother who is enjoying childhood again from a different perspective.
I am the kind of mother who is blessed beyond my wildest dreams.
Many thanks to Rhonda of Pink Ronnie for being the inspiration for this post.  

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