Nov 27, 2017


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This is a sort of miscellaneous post of things that I wanted to share, but don't feel worthy of their own posts.

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Read Aloud Revival.  I planned to do a full post about the RAR website, but realized I don't really have THAT much to say about it.  It's good.  If you have kids and think books/reading are important I would love to direct you to RAR and to their recommended reading lists and podcast in particular.  If you have interest in home schooling, I would also recommend becoming a premium member, as there are several great online workshops available. 

This tiny house by Ana White.  I've been intrigued with this movement for years and years.  But this one stands out as different.  If I were single, I feel confident I could move in and love it.  

Becoming an adult.  The part about the exclamation parts.  Yep.

The Instagram collections feature.  Do you take advantage of this?  It has become my new method of  keeping a "books to read" list.  I also have collections for recipes, quilts, gift ideas, travel, scrapbooking, homeschooling, my One Little Word and about 10 others. 

Cordless stick vacuum.  I used my birthday money to buy this last April and have zero regrets.  It makes kitchen clean up easier and although we didn't buy it with the intention of using it for other parts of our house, we haven't taken the "big vacuum" out of the closet in months.  It is light weight, the battery life is great and it easily transitions from hard flooring to carpet.  It's a winner.

The Lazy Genius - aka Kendra Adachi.  I found her a couple months ago through Instagram.  And then I started listening to her podcast and reading her newsletter and blog.  The podcast is my favorite bit.  She's doing a great job teaching me to be a lazy genius.  I'm sold on Kendra and her brand.


  1. Thanks so much for the recommendation on the vacuum! I've been looking at a few for my kitchen and this one seems to be just what I need. Maybe Santa will get it for Christmas this year ;)

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