Apr 30, 2018


It's the end of the month.  I've always lumped my goals posts together (goals met with goals set), but it bothers me every month.  So I've decided to split things up into two posts.  Below are the goals I set for April and I will write a separate post for my May goals and share that tomorrow.   

1 / Schedule a doctor appointment for myself.  

It took me all month to get this done, but I finally did.  I've been putting this off for months and it feels good to have it on the calendar. 

I don't have any major medical concerns, but have several "little" things that I would like to discuss with a doctor.  Also, it's been a couple years since I've had basic lab work done, so it will be good to have a general physical and check up.

2 / First month of The 100 Day Project for 2018.  

Yes and it's going well.  If I think ahead, I get a little panicked.  How am I going to come up with ONE HUNDRED ways to share the same thing?!  But as long as I just look at each day as it comes, it all works out.  The daily practice is good for my mental and emotional well being, but I think the "one day at a time" lesson is valuable to me on a life level and that's even better.

Plus - it's both fun and rewarding.  I mean, I spent ten minutes yesterday playing with Cheerios and setting up a photo.  Perhaps not for everyone, but I think that's fun.  And seeing my project build into something real just by putting a bit of work into it each day is pretty great.   

3 / Secret Sewing Project started and finished.  

I will make it a little less secret and say that it is a quilt.  I pieced the top quickly and made it to the store for everything I needed to finish it (batting as well as backing and binding fabric).  And then I started quilting and sort of got stuck.  While I hoped to have it finished by now, the "real" deadline is still a week away.  So it's time to get to work and get it done.

4 / Do a "Wake Up Before The Kids" 30 day challenge.  

Yes!  I technically started this on April 3, so I'm not quite to 30 days.  But it's been a huge success and I have confidence that I will finish up these last few days and keep on going.  

I haven't been perfect, but so far I've only missed three days.  Two of those days were because a kid or two woke up right around 5 (I've been getting out of bed between 5 and 5:10 most days) and one day I forgot to set my alarm so didn't wake up until 5:30 when Sam came in our room.  

I don't have a set goal for my early morning time, but usually use the time to pray, get my first 1,000 steps for the day, read and/or make a basic plan for my day.

I feel like my days have - in general - been better since I started this challenge.  I have more energy, I've made my 10,000 step step-goal on all but three or four days and I just feel more like myself (as in the part of me that is just me and not always focused on the kids).  

5 / Write 5 blog posts.  

Done - and then some.  Woot!  I really enjoyed taking time to write more this month.  

6 / Try Stitch Fix.

Yes!  I have a separate post half written and will share sometime in May.  My holdup on getting it finished is the photos.  I feel weird sharing a bunch of photos of myself, but it also seems like it would be strange to share a post without such photos.  So, I'm still thinking on this a bit.