Apr 20, 2018


Wow!  This week just flew by.  It was a good one.

It felt like we had the right number of commitments.  Not many commitments, but not zero.  This is ideal for me.  I like to spend most of my time at home doing my own things on my own time frame.  But, I would get bored if we were always home.

This week, Brian went to a Bible study on Monday night, I took the little two to library story time on Tuesday and we had a play date on Wednesday morning, Sam went to his church group on Wednesday evening and my Bible study group meets tomorrow morning.  Besides that, we were home or playing outside with neighbors or doing before and after school drop offs and pickups for Sam and our niece.

Brian and I each have a few monthly commitments that seem to often fall in the same week. Those are the weeks that are not my favorite.  The meetups are good, but having too much in a single week makes me kind of crazy.

The color run we did last Friday night was fun.  I think everyone had a good time.  One of our nieces ran with Sam.  Brian ran with Eli.  Maggie and I had fun cheering them on along with my sister-in-law and brother-in-law.  It was a very relaxed event and it was nice to do something that was a new experience for all of us. 

I spent a good amount of time making art.  Challenging myself to share things that I truly love as part of my 100 day project has been a good thing.  I enjoy both the challenge, the making and the sharing.   (The two "rainbows" in the image above are some of my favorites so far from this project.)

I started using the Daylio app I just learned about this app last weekend.  It is a quick way to record what you've done over the course of your day and how you feel about your day.  The app collects your data and then will give you reports to help you see which activities correlate with great days and which correlate with bad days.

Obviously, the "bad" activities can't always be avoided and it is impossible to have 365 awesome days in a year.  But, if a large percentage of my "awesome" days include art and reading, I can strive to add art and reading to every day.

Actually, I pretty well already know that art and reading are important for my happiness.  I am curious to see what else I can add into (or take out of) my daily practice to help me have as many great days as possible.

We have no big plans for the weekend, but lots of possibilities.  We might try to get to the zoo for the first time this year.  I'm pretty sure we will hit up the library.  I ordered some plants through a fundraiser that need to be picked up tomorrow morning.  I am looking forward to planting them with the kiddos.  Plus church and Sunday School on Sunday morning.  I think it's going to be a good one.

Happy (almost) weekend, friend! 

1 comment:

  1. "I like to spend most of my time at home doing my own things on my own time frame. But, I would get bored if we were always home." This is so me too!
    Love your 100 day project so far - I look forward to it everyday! :)
