Aug 29, 2018


1 / Give Maggie's room a refresh.  Yep.  The change isn't dramatic, but that's okay with me because I was pretty happy with the starting point.  I finished up the painting just this morning.  (Hugs to Rachel for taking over playdate parenting duties so I could get that last bit done!)  Maggie's pretty(!) bed is now up and she has a fresh gallery wall.  Plus - her closet is more organized.  It's a win all around.  

I will share photos on Instagram in the next couple days! 

2 / Track grocery spending for the month of August.  Done and the total was more than I would have anticipated.  We are ending the month at $603.67.  I'm guessing this is pretty typical - I just hadn't calculated it for a long time.

This included things like vitamins, sandwich bags and diapers.  It did not include our restaurant meals, Sam's lunches at school or a couple small ($10ish) trips to Whole Foods that Brian paid for with his fun money.

I don't think the amount we spent is crazy, exactly - there are five of us to feed.  Still, it was more than I expected.

Of course, months that we spend more in restaurants will lead to fewer grocery expenses and vice versa.  Our restaurant expenses for the month were $129.22 - (again, excluding any restaurant food purchased with fun money).  This brings the total food expenses for our family to $732.89.

I'm going to keep tracking this and see if I can do better in future months.

3 / Finalize a "40 before 40" list.  Yes and I'm still pumped about it.  Here is the full list. 

4 / Documenting catch up (Project Life family pages and also kid book pages).  Done.  Finishing the pages of the kids' stuff was pretty quick.  The family PL pages took longer - because I do two spreads per week and because I had almost twenty weeks to do.  But, I got it done and now I can document in real time again. It feels pretty great to be be caught up.

5 / Digital clean up.  This ended up as a sort of half-win.   I did unsubscribe from a lot of the emails and deleted A LOT of photos. So there was progress,  I just still have a ways to go.  The image above shows what I would like my entire camera roll to look like.  I would love to "keep" all of the images that show important moments, are "pretty" or have otherwise been used in our family scrapbook.  I would like everything else to be deleted.  Oh, but it's a process.  I deleted about 5,000 photos, but still have several months to sort through. 

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